As the weather finally starts heating up, many of us will be itching to get…
5 Wonderful Ways to Spread Joy this Christmas
Can you believe it? Christmas is just around the corner! And while this is typically a time to spend with friends and family, unfortunately it isn’t always possible.
But whether your loved ones live far away, or Covid restrictions will mean Christmas looks a little different this year, you still have every opportunity to spread joy and happiness during the ‘most wonderful time of the year’.
And we can bet your bottom dollar it will ignite plenty of happiness within.
1. Give to a present tree
Many children and families go without all the lovely trimmings of Christmas, so if you’re able to – donating a wrapped present or a food parcel to a local charity would always be much appreciated.
Check out the Kindness Collective for all the ways you can help them to help those less fortunate. The Shoebox Christmas is also a great initiative, and you can often find someone in your town organising this collection.
Oxfam is another charity which provides a life-changing way to give back at Christmas. Instead of buying your family presents that may just end up at the back of the wardrobe, you could gift them a goat, chickens or an onion farm! Of course, you don’t actually get these – but someone living in a third-world country does, helping them to make a living and provide for their family.
2. Say ‘thank you’ to those in essential services
Life has been a bit tough for everyone over the past two years, but especially so for those who work in essential services – like health professionals, emergency personnel, supermarket and pharmacy workers and courier drivers.
They have been working around the clock to ensure we are always kept safe and fed, and certainly deserve a little bit of spoiling this Christmas. So why not bake some treats, or put together some gift baskets to deliver to your local heroes in the community who have been going above and beyond for us all recently. There’s no better time to say ‘thanks’ than at Christmas.
3. Buy from small, local operators
Of course it is still nice to give presents to those we love, so if you have a few on your list to buy for, see if you can support a local business before heading to a national chain store. Or go to a craft market where you will be able to purchase directly from a small operator.
Being able to support these people will mean so much to them, rather than a large retailer who hardly struggle for customers at this time of the year – remember, every time you buy from a small business, an actual person does a little happy dance.
4. Volunteer to cook or bake
Every town and city will have a couple of charities who provide Christmas lunch for those who would otherwise go without, and if you’re able to help with the cooking, or baking of some yummy treats to share – it will always be much appreciated.
Contact your local City Mission, Red Cross, Salvation Army or Foodbank organisation to find out how you can help provide a meal for someone this Christmas.
5. Organise a collection in your village
Sometimes one of the most valuable things you can give at Christmas is your time and organisation. Charities are often stretched when it comes to deliveries and pickups, especially at this time of the year, so you could ask everyone in your retirement village to bring their donations and gifts to your home, with you coordinating directly with the charity. This will not only help to save time, but could also encourage those around you to spread joy this Christmas.
We hope that the above ideas have inspired you to think about how you can embrace the spirit of Christmas and give to others at a time when there is so much need. Because there is no such thing as a small deed – it will always impact the receiver in more ways than you could probably ever know!
If you have any questions or are interested in retirement living in 2022, we would love to hear from you! Get in touch
Whether you are with us, or enjoying your time at a distance, Happy Holidays and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Merry Christmas!