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Summer Health At Highgrove Retirement Village

7 Ways to Stay Safe and Keep Healthy this Summer!

Spring is in the air and summer is on the way, which of course also means the festive season is right on our front door too! And with so much going on (as well as a lot more time spent outdoors) sometimes making choices to keep ourselves well and safe can skip our busy minds. 

So here’s a few quick reminders on how to take care of yourself this summer season – while saving room for fun (and a little dessert) too. 

Keep hydrated

Get yourself a water bottle you like to drink from and make sure you take it with you every time you leave the house. Dehydration can happen without you even realising, and can be dangerous in older age (as well as for little ones too). 

On average we should be drinking around 2 litres of water a day, and on extremely hot days, this could be even more. Try to sip small amounts often and don’t wait until you ‘feel’ thirsty as this is often too late – you’re already dehydrated by then. 

Be sun smart

We all know the rules of slip (on a shirt), slop (on some sunscreen) and slap (on a hat) but you should also wrap on some sunglasses and make an effort to stay out of the sun/keep cool during the hottest times of the day. 

As we move into summer it is also a great time to get spots and moles checked and also be aware of any medicines you might be taking that might make your skin more sensitive to sunlight or increase your risk of sunburn after exposure to ultraviolet light. 

Prepare your home

As the temperature rises, it’s a good idea to get your home ready for hotter days. You might need to check that your fans are still working – as you don’t want to wait for a humid night to realise they have given up the ghost! You could also consider getting security stays for your windows, allowing you air flow without compromising on safety (especially for when you leave the house or in the evening).

Find out whether your air conditioning unit/heat pump requires a service this year and do you need someone to come and get Christmas decorations (or those fans) out of storage for you? 

You might need to move furniture that has been positioned in front of doors to outside that don’t get used in winter, and check for any yearly maintenance that needs to be carried out. 

Watch for trip hazards

Summer is a great time for socialising and getting out and about, but it also means a greater risk of falls and accidents. Of course that doesn’t mean you should hide at home, but just try to be as aware as possible when it comes to trip hazards, uneven ground, low furniture and other things that could cause you to fall. 

Know your limits

Staying safe and healthy over Christmas and summer also means be honest with yourself in regards to your limits. It’s better to be cautious than overdo it and consequently miss out on things. So save gardening for first thing in the morning or cooler days, don’t book social outings or visitors close together – make sure to schedule in time to rest and re energise. You’ll feel all the better for it! 

Follow food safety guidelines

From BBQs to picnics and dinners with family and friends, there are many occasions in which we’re eating food in different places, most often outdoors! But this can also increase your risk of food poisoning, so it’s always recommended that you follow the four C’s of food preparation – these are Clean, Cook, Cover and Chill. Have a clean surface for food preparation, make sure you cook foods thoroughly, cover food if it is being left out to protect it from bugs and insects, and put leftovers in the fridge as soon as possible. 

Of course it is also important to reheat food properly and follow all storage instructions. 

Plan ahead

With more on during the warmer months, planning ahead means you will always be prepared if anything crops up unexpectedly. For example, know you have enough medications to see you through for an extended period of time, check correct storage (whether it needs refrigeration/kept out of direct sunlight etc) and also ask your doctor what to do if you miss a dose – which is always an easy thing to do if you’re out and about or have forgotten to take it with you to lunch. 


Is there anyone who can clear your mail and check on your property if you’re going to be away for an extended period. Does your car have a current WOF and registration, do your pets need to be booked into a cattery/kennel and if so, are they up to date with vaccinations? 

Writing a list of all these kinds of things is always helpful, as with the busyness of the festive season and other things happening, it is easy to let things slip until the last minute! And that can cause undue stress and worry. 


Want to read more? Here’s some tips to get prepared for an easy, fuss-free holiday season!

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