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Retirement Planning Nz

Retiring and planning a move in 2022? Here’s what to consider

The New Year is here, and you know what? There has never been a better time to consider moving. Because if there’s anything that the last two years have taught us, it’s that we need to find happiness in every day. We also need to enjoy where we live, and ensure we feel secure and comfortable in our surroundings – ideally with good friends and family close by. 

So if you’re thinking about retiring, and planning a move in 2022, here’s some things to think about to ensure you find a place to call home sweet home. 

You’re allowed to dream big! 

This is your time to shine – and focus on what you really want out of life. So when it comes to choosing your new home, you’re allowed to dream big. Of course, there might be a few compromises on the way, but you know what they say ‘aim for the moon and even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars’. 

By letting your imagination go, you’ll be able to discover some of the key things you want from your lifestyle and then you can work backwards to find out how they could be a reality. 

So you want to live by the water? Great, does it have to be the coast, or would a lake or river be just as desirable? Would you love to have a pet to keep you company? Fantastic, so it’s important to live somewhere small pets are allowed. 

But focus on the simpler things in life too 

Daydreaming is fun, and so is imagining that you’ll win lotto next week so you have all the money in the world to do what you want! But at the end of the day, it really is the simple pleasures in life that bring happiness, like friends, family, nature, music and movement. 

So even if you can’t move to your dream location, focus on all the positives that you will have in your new home. Not going to be living near your friends? You can make new ones! While still keeping in touch with your old ones. Having to settle in a new neighbourhood? See it as an adventure to find all the great spots to visit. You might just find a cosy cafe that makes the best coffees! 

Bust the myths about retirement living

There’s plenty of myths out there about what it is like to live in a retirement village, and they can often get in the way of people making a decision to find one to call home! So try not to listen to what others say about retirement villages, and make up your own mind by going to visit a few. Meet the people, check out the facilities and see if it is somewhere you’d like to move. 

Here’s some of the most common myths about retirement living. 

Your comfort and happiness comes first 

Choosing where you want to live needs to be your decision (or potentially a compromise if you are moving with a family member, husband, wife or partner). 

Make sure you know what you want out of your new home and don’t feel pressured to make a choice you don’t feel comfortable with. Depending on the support you have from your family, it can be a good idea to have their support and input if you’re having trouble deciding. 

But if you feel like they are having too much of an influence on the selection process, you’re allowed to ask for a bit of space. Not sure how to do that politely? Talk to a representative of one of the retirement villages you are considering, they would have dealt with the issue plenty of times and will likely have some handy advice for easing the tension. 

Take your time 

There isn’t any rush to move tomorrow, so take the time to look at all of your options and compare them. Consider things like your ideal lifestyle, the various retirement villages available, the facilities you’d like to have available and the financial aspect of securing a new home (which you don’t have to do alone, there are always experts to help navigate this). 

And of course you’re always welcome to visit those locations, to get a real life experience of what it could be like to live there. 

While moving can be a little overwhelming, especially if it is from a home you have lived in for many years, there are ways to make it an easy, smooth transition. If you have any questions about how we go about helping people to settle into our retirement villages, we’d love to hear from you.

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